A large collection of reference books relating to Antiquities:
Antiquities Buschor E Fruhgriechische Junglinge 1950 Chamay J et al Le Monde des Cesars 1982 Trendall AD Red Figure vases of South Italy and Sicily 1989 Kunisch N, Griechische Fischteller 1989 Matz, F Art of the World, Crete and Early Greece 1962 Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Great Britain Fascicule 20 – British Museum Fasc. 10, 2003 x2 Getz Preziosi P Sculptors of the Cyclades 1987 x2 Opper T Hadrian Empire and Conflict 2008 Hampe R and Simon E Birth of Greek Art 1980 Kunst der Kykladen 1976 Renfrew C Cycladic Spirit 1991 Getz Preziosi, P Early Cycladic Art in NA collections 1987 Wilton A and Bignamini I Grand Tour 1996 Odyssey of an Art collector 1966 Breslin B A Greek Prayer - Zaphiropoulou P Delos, Monuments and Museums 1983 Handbook of the Antiquities Collection, J Paul Getty Museum 2002 Stemmer K Kaiser Marc Aurel 1988 Aalfitano P et al I Campi Flegrei 1986 Walter Karydi E Alt Aeguna II.2 1987 Clarke, DV et al Symbols of Power at the time of Stonehenge 1985 The Louvre near Eastern Antiquities 1991 Strong DE Catalogue of Carved Amber 1966 Williams D The Art of the Greek Goldsmith 1998 (signed) Connaisance des Arts Carthage 1995 Bonfante L Etruscan life and Afterlife 1986 The Illustrated Odyssey trans. EV Rieu 1980 Zanker P Augustus und die Macht der Bilder 1987 (signed) Berger E Pathenon Ostgiebel 1958 Antike Kunstwerke aus der Sammlung Ludwig vols 1-3 - Lullies R and Hirmer M Griechische Plastik 1956 Lange K and Hirmer M Aegypten 1955 Wildung D Die Kunst des alten Aegypten 1988 Koromila M The Greeks in the Black Sea 1991 Bauwerk und Plastik des Parthenon 1980 Buehler, HP Antike Gefaesse aus Edelstein 1973 Journal of Egyptian Archaeology vol 78 1992 Herdejuergen H Goetter, Menschen und Daemonen 1978 Cook BF The Elgin Marbles 1997 Buschor E Die Plastik der Griechen 1936 Kleopatra 1989 Williams D Greek Vases 1999 (2 copies signed) Chamay J and Maier JL Ceramiques Corinthiennes 1984 Capitoline Museum Sculture di Roma Antica 1997 Boardman J Greek Sculpture The Classical Period 1985 Buschor E Das Hellenistische Bildnis 1949 - Amenophis III Le Pharaon-Soleil 1993 Schoske S Schoenheit Agblanz der Goettlichkeit Kosmetik im Alten Aegypten 1990 Jucker H and Willers D Gesichter, Griechische und Roemische Bildnisse aus Schweizer Besitz 1982 L’Art des Cyclades dans la collection NP Goulandris 1983 La collezione Boncompagni Ludovisi 1992 Schoske S and Wildung D Gott und Gotter im Alten Aegypten 1993 Sammlung Mildenberg: Tierbilder aus vier Jahrtausenden 1981 Muscarella OW Bronze and Iron 1988 Seipel W Gott, Mensch, Pharao 1992 Temple R Early Christian and Buzantine Art 1990 Scott GD Ancient Egyptian Art at Yale 1986 Fondazione Sorgente Group Athena Nike: La Vittoria della dea 2013 - Ville de Geneve Musee d’art Egypte Antique 1969 Himmelmann N Drei Hellenistiche Bronzen in Bonn 1975 Smithsonian Art Treasures of Turkey 1966 Thomas HL Archaeologial Chronology of Northwestern Europe (pamphlet) 1966 Brief guide Ancient Art Brooklyn Museum 1970 Taylour W The Mycenaeans 1990 Phillips T Africa Art of a Continent 1995 Borbein A Das Alte Griechen Land 1994 Boarman et al Die Griechische Kunst 1966 Schmidt M Kanon festchrisft Ernst Berger 1988 (signed) Das Wrak vol 1 and 2 1994 Stierlin H Kleinasiatisches Griechenland 1986 Von Bothmer D Glories of the Past Shelby White and Leon Levy collection 1990 x2 In Pursiut of the absolute Art of the Ancient World, George Ortiz collection 1994 Brea LB Menandro e il teatro Greco nelle terracotta liparesi 1981 - Schefold K Goetter-und Heldensagen der Griechen in der Spaetarchaischen kunst 1978 Berger E Das Basler Arztrelief 1970 Berger E & Gisler Huwiler M Der Parthenon in Basel 3 volumes 1996 Berger E Die Geburt der Athena im ostgiebel des Parthenon 1974 Parthenon-Kongress Band I and II 1984 Maroon FJ The Egypt Story Rouece C and Erim K Aphrodisias Papers 1990 Hommes et Dieux de la Grece Antique 1982 Moon, W Ancient Greek Art and Iconography 1983 Pompeii guide of the excavations Stevenson Smith W Ancient Egypt MFA Boston 1960 5000 Ars Aegyptisk Kunst 1962 Russian book on Bronzes 1952 Potratz JAH Die Skythen in Sudrussland 1963 Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections, British Museum 1964 Mueller HW Aegyptische Kunstwerke, Kleinfunde und Glas in der Sammlung E und M Kofler Truniger, Luzern 1964 Koefoed-Petersen O Egyptian Sculpture in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek 1962 Edith V and Wessetzky V Egyiptomi Kiallitas 1964 Nelson Atkins Bulletin vol IV.2 1962 - Kozloff A et al Egypts Dazzling Sun 1992 Reeder ED Pandora: Frauen im Klassischen Griechenland 1996 Williams D and Ogden J Greek Gold: Jewellery of the Classical world 1994 Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh, The Met 2005 Curtis J and Tallis N Forgotten Empire, The world of Ancient Persia 2005 Walker S and Higgs P Cleopatra of Egypt 2001 Jenkins I The Parthenon Sculptures 2007 Wiese A and Brodbeck A Tutankhamun, The Golden Beyond 2004 Allen J The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt 2005 Reeves N Tutankhamen Il re il ritrovamento della tomba, il tresoro 1992 Bargellini P Die Kunst der Etrusker 1960 Harper PO et al The Royal City of Susa 1992 Guide to the Munich Antikensammlungen Thomas H Archaeological Chronology of Northern Europe 1966 Caskey JL Greece, Crete and the Aegean Islands in the Early Bronze Age 1964 Wyss R Funde der jungeren eisenzeit 1957 Paestum Guide book 4th edition Aegyptisches Museum 1823-1973 Guide to Egyptian Museum Cairo, 1960 Aegypten Freiplastik, katalog der originalabguesse 1961 - The Studio London Rome Past and Present 1926 Tzachou-Alexandri O Mind and Body Athletic Contests in Ancient Greece 1989 Tatton Brown V Ancient Cyprus 1997 Richter G Archaic Gravestones of Attica 1961 Jucker H and Willers D Gesichter: Griechische und Romische Bildnisse aus Schweizer Besitz 1982 Lesley Fitton J Cycladic Art 1989 (signed) Max Mallowan, Nimrud and Its Remains, 3 vols. 1966 Reeves N ND Taylor J Howard Carter before Tutankhamun 1992 Bluemel C Greek Sculptors at Work 1969 Miles C and Norwich JJ Liebe in der antike 1997 Miles C and Norwich JJ Love in the Ancient World 1997 Volmoeller H Antike Kunst 1977 Sothebys London Greek Vases from the Momirovic collection 7th July 1994 Sothebys London Antiquities 4 December 2019 Barakat Gallery Egyptian Art Ancient Art from Private collections 1974 Munzen Medaillen Sonderliste G, J, K, L, N, R 1964-1977 Galerie Gunter Puhze Katalog 10 Andre Emmerich Gallery 1965, 1968, 1975, 1977 Munzen Medaillen Auction XIV June 19 1954